Diamond Pushups

How Diamond Pushups are Performed 

Diamond Pushups
You are certainly not going to get a diamond shaped body by doing diamond pushups. But you will get stronger and well-properly shaped triceps for sure and also you can take diamond as the best pushups for chest. It is one other kind of pushup which focuses on the upper body especially. The posture of the body needs to be the same as you obtain while doing standard pushups. 
Diamond Pushups

What should be Paid Attention at?

While doing a different kind of pushups, an individual can easily get in touch with the minor injury or severe ache. Just to avoid it, you are required to perform the body stretching exercises in a proper manner. This makes your major joints active and thus, you are then able to pushups in a better and flexible way.

Diamond Pushups Shape
Another thing which should be looked for is, putting up balanced stress on both the shoulders. Yes, if the proportion of stress will be more on any one side, this is badly going to hurt you then. So, a proper execution of diamond pushup is what can save you from getting hurt. In case you want better and faster results, then start doing diamond pushups by kneeling on all fours. Now the next step is to obtain perfect posture in order to practice pushups. The basic reason why these pushups are specifically called as 'diamond pushups' is that you need to make a diamond shape by keeping your hands closer to each other under your chest.

Now when you learned enough about the procedure of obtaining a proper position for it, now is the time for performing it.

Benefits of Diamond Pushups

Take a proper position- Get a running mat for you and start doing casual warm up activities. Further, after warming up your body, you need to take the position as you take while doing regular pushups. Simply bend your hands and stretch your legs. And you are all set to start doing diamond pushups.

Placing of hands- Your hands should be placed in the well proper manner, only then you will be able to get the most out of it for your triceps and shoulders. Place your hands close enough that you touch your index fingers and thumb altogether. This will make your hands form a diamond shape. While taking hand position, your rest of body should be straight.  

Lower yourself- Now comes the time when you are all set to start doing diamond pushups. Take your body downwards and then in the upward direction. If you are about to practice it for the first time, then doing 10 pushups in one go is recommended to get desired results. 

Next Pushup Workout: 5 Most Killer Pushups for Chest


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